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LOVEMEN "1993-2000 CH.2" 2CD
型番 WS125
販売価格 2,000円(税込)



今 作はLOVEMENがイギリスツアー2回、イタリアツアーと世界を駆け回った時期にリリースされた音源をまとめた作品。disc 1は1997年にSNUFFY SMILEからリリースされたこちらも大名盤2ndアルバム「children eat a nightmare」全音源に、HOOTON 3 CARとのスプリット・シングル提供曲、それにEVERSORとのスプリット・シングル提供曲、SERVOとのスプリット・シングル提供曲、THE TONE’とのスプリット提供曲でもありEVERSOR、THREE MINUTE MOVIE、BRAIDとのツアー音源に収録されていた曲(同曲ですがTHE TONE’とのスプリットリリース時にはレーベルが曲名を間違えて表記したため曲名が異なっています)。そして今作にもボーナスで多くの人が存在は知っているものの手にすることは難しくメンバーも最初は収録を拒んだものの説得に説得を重ねついにOKが出た極初期の2ndデモテープ全曲も収録となっています。全音源マスターから半年かけてのリマスタリング処理をしました。メンバー(ブンさん)の意向によりリイシュー作品では歌詞は掲載しておりません。その代わりにLOVEMENのメンバー4人が集まり、バンド結成から解散までの真実や、SUNFFY SMILEとの出会い、当時のシーンの状況、2度のイギリスツアーにイタリアツアーのことなどリイシュー2作品に渡るルーペがないと読むのが困難なロングインタビュー掲載。また、リイシュー2作品どこで手に入れてくれたとしても、アナログ方式をやってもらえば必ず手に入る動画特典(LOVEMEN with フランキー・スタッブス)付きでございます。

-children eat a nightmare CD (1997)-
1. drive back
2. line
3. flower
4. sleep
5. scenety of town
6. voices
7. spring
8. children eat a nightmare
9. white
10. upside down world

-split w/HOOTON 3 CAR 7″ (1997)-
11. voices

-split w/EVERSOR 7″ (1999)-
13. river
14. close monday

-split w/SERVO 7″ (1999)-
15. day of summer
16. her concern is weather tomorrow

-split w/THE TONE’ 7″ (1998)-
17. for life…(…this life/RUGGER BUGGERのSEANのミスでタイトルが変わってしまいましたが、同じ曲ですw)

-bonus disc-
-2nd DEMO cassete-
1. love slave
2. tell me way
3. heaven’s know
4. grey
5. old days

review from "I Buy WAY Too Many Records Dot Com" by Tim POPKID

Today we have the companion release to yesterday's Lovemen CD. Chapter two includes a lot of my very favorite Lovemen songs including the songs from their split 7"s with Hooton 3 Car, Eversor, Servo, The Tone, a couple of compilations as well as my favorite of their full lengths, Children Eat a Nightmare. Also included as a bonus disc is Lovemen's second demo tape along with a song from a cassette only compilation.

As with chapter one, I have owned the vast majority of these songs for quite a few years. The split 7"s are the records that got me interested in Lovemen originally and Children Eat a Nightmare is perhaps one of the best albums that Snuffy Smile had ever released. Like everything from yesterday's CD, these records have been out of print forever, so it's so great to have these songs all compiled and available again on Waterslide records.

As far as the songs go, this is a masterclass in melodic punk rock. Lovemen were very much inspired by the Snuffs, Leatherfaces and Mega City Fours of the day, but I never felt like Lovemen was trying to sound like one of these bands. They took these influences and crafted something that was unique to them. That along with the ability to unleash so much energy into their songs, regardless of how fast or how slow they are playing is what always drew me to this band. I just want to ball my fist up, throw it in the air and shout along to everything coming out of my speakers.

Listening to all of these songs together, especially the 7" songs which I admittedly haven't played in quite some time, it really struck me just how amazing this band really is. Just like with chapter one yesterday, this is just an essential release if you are interested in Japanese punk rock.